
I am pretty sure none of you never heard of Godzilla before, right? This is a famous movie created in Japan back in 1954. Afterwards, it became a worldwide pop culture icon. Godzilla was illustrated as a monster that was awakened by nuclear radiation, that being said, it was a metaphor of nuclear weapons in the 20th century. Until now, there has been 35 Godzilla movies released by Japan and Hollywood combined. This pop culture is so popular that there is a statue in Shinjuku built to commemorate the history of Godzilla, that statue is called the Godzilla Head. You can stand right next to it by entering Hotel Gracery Shinjuku and go to the eighth floor, where you can also see the progress of Godzilla movies and culture from time to time. If you are on the right hour, you will see something amazing from this majestic piece of art. Lasers and steam will come out from its mouth, eyes flash red, and it makes roaring sounds.
