The kawaii culture of Harajuku 🦄

There were so many reasons why I decided to study abroad in this country. First of all, I love the history, the food and the people but as a foreigner coming from Europe I also wanted to experience some of Japan’s anime culture. Therefore, on this weekend I decided to visit one of TripAdvisor’s top rated anime restaurant in Harajuku. The name of the place where I went to is Kawaii Monster Cafe. Before going there, I wasn’t exactly sure what I could expect from a restaurant called like that but after entering to this weird but somewhat magical place with its whimsical design, I had to realise that the name of it is as explicit as it can be. The theme of the restaurant revolves around cute monsters. Additionally, you can also enjoy hilarious and silly shows with expertly crafted, delicious food.

So, if you happen to go to Harajuku at some point I would definitely recommend it for you. I honestly believe that this place is for everyone. You can see there tables with teenage girls, young families with kids but also grown up men so if you are looking for a wow factor it is a must place to go!
