Tapioca drink everywhere ! 😱

Hello there 💃🏻

So, I can’t be the only one who noticed this crazy fascination for the tapioca drinks in Tokyo ! Am I ?
I was very surprised by how popular it is here. It’s starting to get more popular in Paris too, but nothing will beat the Japanese market on the tapioca consumption ! I' have seen some of the longest This drink with the very chewy strange bubble are originated from Thaïland. Japan have a strong relationship with Thailand. A lot of Japanese people go there for vacation, I guess this is how the tapioca drinks trend started to get more popular in Japan !

Oh and I have a second job by the way. And guess what is it ? YES ! You got it ! I work in a Tapioca bar, I took this photo on my first day in this place called the Tapi-Queen (they make very delicious tapioca teas by the way 😍)

And what about you ? What do you think of tapioca tea ? Do you like this odd texture ?
Give me your answer in the comments ! I would love to know !
