Keeping a journal

“Dear diary,” I’m sure that most people started (or at least thought of) writing a journal when they were young. I certainly did when I was in elementary school. My “secret diary” was a safe place to store my deepest feelings and weirdest stories. After a while, however, I completely stopped writing new entries ― just like everybody else I know who’s tried keeping a journal. A few years ago I found that very journal in an old cardboard box forgotten in the garage. I dusted it off and started reading the first pages. As soon as I finished reading it, I rushed upstairs and got ready to burn it (which I eventually did) but I can’t hide I was deeply moved by what was written in those pages: feelings and words and how you express yourself are part of your identity, and being able to see how that changes with time is priceless. Honestly, I wish I kept updating my journal for longer back then.

What are your thoughts on keeping a journal?