Sudden rain

I’ve never been the kind of person to regularly check weather forecasts for the upcoming days. As a matter of fact, I hardly ever check them at all. After hopelessly trying to get such habits to stick, I decided to stick a folding umbrella in my backpack instead, just to make sure I’d be ready at all times. It's curious how minuscule H2O particles falling from the sky can heavily influence people's mood and actions, isn’t it? Personally, rain makes it a challenge for me to ride my beloved bike, and also makes me worry about my laundry not drying up fast enough. On the other hand, I love the sound of rain at night when I'm tucked up in bed or when I spend time in my favorite cafeteria, as it helps me focus and relax. Depending on the circumstances, I’d say that rain can potentially either make or break my day.

How does rain make you feel?