Feels like a dream..

Hi all! I’m Felicia, a new staff in EigoTalkTalk. I’ve just arrived in Japan last March, and right now I’m studying in Jochi Daigaku/Sophia University. Before I arrived here, I’ve always wanted to try and live here, and now I’m here. Dream come true, I guess? But to be honest, because of all that hoping and dreaming, I haven’t really fully grasped that I’m here already, I’m working, I’m studying, I’m breathing Japan’s air. I feel like this past month has been like a dream, and I’m not really here, I’m not really on the ground. Maybe because Japan is a dream that I don’t want to wake up from.

The point is, I’m really loving my experience so far. Sorry for quite a somber note, it’s just how I’ve been feeling this past few weeks. I hope some of you has the same feeling as I do, so please do comment down below! That’s all for this time, I’ll see you next time with a happier post. I hope we can meet each other in an EigoTalkTalk session!

A beautiful moon near Shosen Book Tower in Akiba

A beautiful moon near Shosen Book Tower in Akiba