
bridge to Enoshima!

bridge to Enoshima!

Hi, how are you guys?? I missed writing here! This time, I want to share with you all about my trip to Enoshima last week. It was so fun! I departed from my home at 7 AM so I would arrive at Enoshima quite early. I met up with my friend, and then off we go. Arrived at Enoshima at 9 AM, we went to the bridge and took on all the noise of the waves crashing, birds squawking. It was a pleasant noise, and the water beckoned us to swim. We didn't though, because we didn't bring swimsuits. Enoshima is a nice little island with a trek going to the temples, going to the lighthouse up top, and going down to the caves. It's a one way road, so we have to go back the way we went to go home. It was really tiring.

 cat.. inside shrine??

 cat.. inside shrine??

To be honest though, my original plan to Enoshima was to pet a lot of cats. Alas, I only found 4 and none was approachable. It's ok though, I got this photo of a cute cat sleeping inside a shrine.

Shrine in Kamakura

Shrine in Kamakura

After that, we went to Kamakura. We didn't visit the big Buddha statue though. We visited the central one.

 That's it for today, thank you for joining in! Hope to meet you in another EigoTalkTalk session!