Cooking Journal!

Now that I’m almost home, it seems like a good time to recount the food I’ve made so far here! Since I’m living in one of the most expensive place in the world, sooner or later I have to cook to sustain myself financially. That then has lead u to many interesting things, interesting cooking that I’ve made. Why interesting? Well, with the limited skills I have, food is bound to turn up.. interestingly (a nice word to encompass either good or disastrous). Well, let’s begin!

Eggs Foo Young, a Chinese Indonesian dish.

Eggs Foo Young, a Chinese Indonesian dish.

The latest one that I made was eggs foo young. It is similar to okonomiyaki, but with simpler filling and simpler sauce (tomato sauce). I’ve been craving some since the last week, so I decided to make one.

Soba with pesto sauce and grilled chicken

Soba with pesto sauce and grilled chicken

Woah, now I’m hungry. This was one of my favorites because soba really is a good medium to cook with. I like how it’s not as heavy as pasta but still holds sauce really well. Paired it with lemon chicken and some enoki, and voila, match made in heaven. I experimented with soba a lot of times actually, I cooked peanut butter soba and it works well. Is it weird if i think peanut butter and grilled octopus would go very well?

Honey butter everything!

Honey butter everything!

This is the last one I’m going to write about because I have too much pictures and food to recount upon. I have experimented with sauces also, but there is nothing I love more than honey butter sauce. It’s really easy too, all the ingredients you need is already in the title (and maybe some salt too..) you have to try how comforting it tastes.

That’s all for today I guess, thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed my cooking journal!