Meiji Jingu Shrine

I visited Meiji-Jingu Shrine today and could not help but wonder about these wine barrels all the way home. It turns out these barrels of rice wine on display are very commonplace in any Shinto Shrine in Japan These are known as (sakedaru) wrapped in straw blankets are stacked and bounded together by rope on a wooden frame. The decoration of barrels known as ftE signifies a spiritual connection and relationship between brewers and shrines for prosperity Most brewers donate these sake barrels to shrines for Shinto ceremonies, rituals and festivals. For the Meiji-Jingu Shrine, the sake barrels are donated every year by the Meiji- Jingu Nationwide Sake Brewers Association *Wow* Japanese believe that sake symbolizes unification of Gods and people


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Location: PIS Peace Ikebukuro: