Attending a Buddhist teaching

In Hungary the vast majority of the population have a relagion. According to a survey which was carried out in 2011, 54.2% of the poplulation declared to believe in Christianity, of whom 38.9% were Catholics 13.8% were protestants  0.1% were Orthodox Christians, and 1.3% were members of other Christian groups. At the same time, 27.2% of the Hungarians did not declare a religious affiliation

In Japan, on the other hand, According to 2006 and 2008 data, less than 40% of the population of Japan identifies with a religious group. Approximately, 35% are Buddhists, 3% to 4% are members of Shinto sects and derived religions, and from fewer than 1% to 2.3% are Christians.

My family is Chatolics so I was raised to be a christian as well. Yet, I was curious about Asian religions so I was thankful that I could attend a buddhist teaching a couple of months ago. In school we are learning about world religions of course, but it was really interesting to experince it in first hand. Moreover, I also wanted to find out how the overall meassge of a buddhist teaching would be differtent from a christian one

The monk who delivered the speech, talked about humanity and patience which revolve around compassion. This type of compassionate desire teaches to cause no harm to all beings including animals, plants, and the world in general. He emphasized how important it is to respect the nature because it will have the same attitude towards us as we have for it. So if we continue contaminate the waters with plastic than it will directly affect the fish popultion of the sea which would mean that it will eventually get back to us as we will eat those fishes.

There are differences between relaigion and religion of course but i cam to relalize that the fundmental principles are not that different after all. Both Buddhists and Christians agree that it is best to respond to everyone with peace, love, and joy - regardless of others’ behavior.
