Trains in Japan

Have you ever wonder how fast-paced Japan is? In fact, Japan is one of the leading countries anywhere in the world, especially with its technology and rapid development. Nowadays, we can see MRTs (Mass Rapid Transit) almost anywhere in Japan’s big cities. In Greater Tokyo Area, there are approximately 40 million passengers using this rail system daily. A really crazy number, isn’t it? Especially during rush hour, train could be really full to the extent that you are not able to move anymore inside. If it gets really full, sometimes there will be several train station staffs that will push the people in so everyone will fit inside. Nonetheless, people will keep on lining up tidily no matter how crowded the train stations is. This use of public transportation is a really good thing and should be applied to other countries as well. Besides, not only can you save money, but also it lessen the amount of pollution produced by private transportation such as cars and motorbikes.
