Things to do at Yokohama

Last month, I went to Yokohama. From my house, it's just a direct train with 2 different lines. So I thought, it won't be that different from Tokyo and her tall buildings. I was kind of wrong. Yokohama had tall buildings, yes, but it were sparse. It was refreshing seeing the sky and the bay together. I now see why people from Tokyo chose Yokohama to take a quick break.

the sunset seen from Yokohama Bay

the sunset seen from Yokohama Bay

When I went to Yokohama, I didn't have a set plan, moreover a budget. So my friend and I decided to just stroll around and enjoy Yokohama. And we did! We went to the red brick house, and on the way we encountered a wartime ship that is now refurbished as a museum. This year is its 100 year anniversary! Near the ship, there is a candy apple stall. It was the best, the candy and the apple complements each other really well. At red brick house, it was really crowded due to the festival being held there, the Oktoberfest (in May.. interesting). I liked the vintage interior in it though. Really pretty because it overlooks the bay too.

wartime ship. Do you know the name?

wartime ship. Do you know the name?

Red brick house. What do you think were the history behind it?

Red brick house. What do you think were the history behind it?

After that, we went to Chinatown. It was really pretty, especially at night when the lights turn on. Every great chinatowns has a gate overlooking the place, and Motomachi Chukagai has one of the prettiest I've seen. There were also a lion dance performance (Barongsai). I bought a pork belly bun. It was delicious, the bun is soft and the belly extremely succulent and well seasoned.

the Motomachi Chukagai gate

the Motomachi Chukagai gate

pork bun!

pork bun!

So, that is all what I did in Yokohama, if you guys had a different experience, feel free to comment down below! See you in another EigoTalkTalk session!

The best Abura Soba place in Tokyo

For many foreigners, when you ask them what is the iconic food of Japan, most of them will probably say sushi. But for me, whenever people ask me what is most iconic and the most delicious food in Japan, I will always pick abura soba.

But not just any abura soba, I am particularly in love with Tokyo Menchintei honpo 東京麵珍亭本舖, ever since I started study in Tokyo I always go for this noodle place after class.

There is a perfect balance and composition between the texture of the noodles, oil and sauces. The store is also very generous when it comes to the meat; They give you a lot of chashu meat on top of the noodle.

I will never forget this place. Even when I eventually leave Japan, this noodle place will always have a special place in my heart.

So I highly recommend people to eat at one of their branches around Tokyo!

Tokyo Menchintei honpo, Nishiwaseda branch

Tokyo Menchintei honpo, Nishiwaseda branch

Have fun travelling

Where do I want to travel? That is an important question that we ask ourselves once we have enough money to buy air tickets and a good hotel room.

So far I had travelled to many places, and so far my favorite destination is Thailand, the people and foods in Bangkok are amazing. There are so many temples each with their own unique stories to tell.

Thai milk tea is perhaps the sweetest beverage I have ever had, and I personally think Thailand has the third best 7-11 right behind Taiwan and Japan; The foods Thai 7-11s sell are the best, their fried chicken burger and beef rice burger are some of the most delicious dish I have ever tasted, I think is a must eat when you go visit!


So how about you?

Where do you like to go if you can?

What will you do there?

Assumption University, suvarnabhumi campus, Bangkok, Thailand

Assumption University, suvarnabhumi campus, Bangkok, Thailand

Why do I love カビゴン (Snorlax)

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Generally speaking, many of us like hugging, whether is hugging your partners, parents, or pets, hugging make us relaxed and happy. And the feelings of happiness and relaxation are what Snorlax brings for me.

After a tiring day of school or work, I always come back home to see Snorlax sitting on my table or bed waiting to be hugged.

Hugging my Snorlax is like charging my battery, makes me alive again to face tomorrow’s challenges and works!


What about you?

Do you like Snorlax? If not then what Pokémon do you like? 

The Yummy Black Pearls from Taiwan

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You see them everywhere, and on everyone’s hands. Recently bubble milk tea or Tapioca has become extremely popular in Japan.

Tapioca stores and stands are opening up everywhere in Tokyo like flowers blooming during the spring season.

Do you know about Tapioca? If so what do you think about it?

Actually, Tapioca is a national favorite in Taiwan. You can see people selling and drinking Tapioca everywhere.

For me I think Tapioca is an amazing kind of drink, that lets you eat and drink at the same time. It revolutionized the way people think about drinks.

I heard from many of my Japanese friends in university saying that having Tapioca is fun because the drink brings a different kind of experience.


I usually have my curtains opened in the morning so that the sunlight could get into my room. A bright working area can boost my mood, and makes me feel more energetic. Compared with electric lights, sunlight is also more economical. Working next to a window like this not only helps me save some money but also helps me work more effectively.
