
Takiyaki is one of my favorite food. It is commonly called "octopus balls" in English. Essentially they're round balls of fluffy dough that are smothered with a special savory takoyaki sauce and have a tasty piece of octopus meat at the center. You can easily to find Takoyaki shop every where in Tokyo, even in the convenient stores.


Summer Festival


Japan is known for the color and exuberance of its festivals - matsuri - connected with shrines and temples. Japanese festivals are often connected with special historical events, fertility rites or prayers to the gods for good health. I was really impressed by the festival spirit of every one who join it. They are so happy and energetic and dance together to the traditional song. In addition, I also love the food sell  during the festival, especially Takoyaki, yakiniku,...I really had a good time joining the Japanese summer festival. I really hope to get a chance to join more memorable  festival like this again. 

Sensoji Temple


Sensoji is one of the best place for sightseeing in Tokyo. It is well know for being the symbol of Asakusa area, attracting millions of visitors through the year. I was very happy to visit Sensoji Temple last week with some of my Japanese friends. We had a really good time enjoying the traditional view of the temple. Lucky that we visited the temple in the evening as we heard that, in the morning, the temple is crowded with a lot of people. I was really impressed by the main gate of Sensoji. It is decorated in vivid red, and a five-storied pagoda. Around the main hall is crowded by tourists and worshippers all year round. 

Hoi An


Mentioning about the best place to enjoy holidays in Vietnam, we should not dismiss Hoi An. Graceful, historic Hoi An is Vietnam’s most atmospheric and delightful town. Once a major port, it boasts the grand architecture and beguiling riverside setting that befits its heritage, and the 21st-century curses of traffic and pollution are almost entirely absent. For me, I love everything about Hoi An, from the people to its own country and the local food. People in Hoi An are friendly and honest. The way they talk gives me the warm-welcoming feeling. Besides, Hoi An food is undeniably delicious, especially Banh Mi Hoi An. The taste will probably makes you want to try again and again and again. Lastly, the view, I love wandering around the old street in Hoi An. It gives me the peaceful feeling with the old but full of cultural taste covers on every small old houses there. Therefore, my family often visit Hoi An when we have summer holidays. A relax place to rest, an enjoyable place to enjoy, a peaceful place to escape from the hasty life with many worries- everything of those contribute to the definition of HOI AN

The world’s largest cave


Vietnam has been considered to one of the most attractive place for tourists to visit in Asia. One of the best place you should probably visit in Vietnam is Son Doong Cave which is well known for the world’s largest cave. The cave is located in Quang Binh Province of Vietnam. There are two ways for you to enjoy exploring. For those who love challenges, the program which provided by the tourist company named Son Doong Cave Expedition will give you a wonderful chance to explore the world’s largest cave and exit via the Great Wall of Vietnam. You need to climb the cliffs which í quite dangerous. For those who do not want to take the risk, they can enjoy the view of the cave and sitting on the boat. For a long time, Son Doong is famous for its beauty and enjoyable service. Once in a lifetime, it is very worth coming there to enjoy the master piece of mother nature. 



This is Tama-chan. She is my friend’s pet. Tama-chan just one year old, so she is still very small. I love hugging Tama-chan because she is really fluffy. Sometimes, I visit my friend’s house just to play with Tama-chan. She is really friendly and cute. I bet you will definitely love Tama-chan when you first see her. 



Sunscreen is considered to be every girl’s best friend in every seasons in the year. Today, I will tell you some benefits of using sunscreen and prove how important it is to our skin. Sunscreen shields our skin from harmful UV Ray. Applying sunscreen actually blocks these harmful rays from penetrating the skin and triggering skin disorders. As the sunlight is really harmful to our skin. It may cause skin cancer and enhancing the aging process. Therefore, applying sunscreen before you go outside is a really good routine that you should do everyday. It only takes you some few minutes to apply sunscreen on your face and body, so why don’t we just try to do it everyday for our own benefits?

Olive oil


I love olive oil. I not only use olive oil to cook food everyday, I also use it as a skincare production. Olive oil does have some vitamins that are really good for our skin such as vitamin A, D, and K, as well as vitamin E. If you’re prone to acne, using a soap made with olive oil may really helps you to prevent making acnes become worst. On the other hand, olive oil also helps to  decrease your acne by killing off the bacteria that causes the acne. Olive oil is also known to moisturize and hydrate your skin. Therefore, I use olive oil as nature mask for my skin once or twice a week. Let’s try olive oil for your skin and enjoy the benefits that it can bring to you

Last post in Japan!

The day after tomorrow, I will be going home. I won’t be inhaling Japan air anymore, walking on Japan streets, experiencing Japanese smiles. I will miss this. I think it is a good idea to recount my blessings so far. As someone said to me, I have to face reality head on so then I can really appreciate and learn from my experiences here.

More than ever, I am always thankful of the people around me in Japan. Without them, this country’s experience wouldn’t be half as fun. I am grateful of the new people I’ve met, and the lessons they taught me. All the Japanese kindness and smiles really also made me comfortable staying here.

Japan has such a thoughtful way to care about other people, it has then opened me up to care more about other people’s needs too. And now, I value money more than ever since it is so hard to get yet so easy to spend.

I think, I’m very lucky to be here. Thank you Japan, for all the sweetness and lessons you’ve given me. I will be eternally thankful.



After examination, my friends and I decided to go out to watch movie together. We chose the Sunshine Cinema in Ikebukuro Station. The cinema was rebuilt, therefore, it looks really good with extremely impressive decoration. The movie we watched called “ Spiderman: Far from home”. It was one of the best movie I have ever watched. It was not only entertaining but also meaningful to me. I really want to watch it again.

School Trip


Last week, our class had a school trip together. We need to wake up very early and gathered in front of the university before 6 am. Everyone was so excited for the trip. After staying on the school bus for 2 hours, we finally arrived. The view there was very beautiful. Moreover, the weather was so nice for our trip. Everything went out pretty well. We shared the bento lunch box together and had a really good time. Even though we had to walk a lot, we did not feel tired, instead, everyone seemed to enjoy the best moment there. Well, for me, I am really looking forward to the next school trip next semester.

Egg for breakfast


I often eat egg for breakfast. Why? Simply because it is delicious , easily to cook and suitable for people who are really busy. It is only take a few minutes to fry some eggs to eat with bread then you will probably have a delicious breakfast to start your busy morning. Moreover, fried egg is the easiest dish that everyone can cook. Besides, egg contains a lot of calories, which can provide you abundant energy source to start your productive day. So, in general, eating eggs for breakfast brings us many benefits. Let’s start the habit of having egg in the morning from now on.


The raining season has gone. It is time for the hot season to come. The weather is really hot today.. In this hot weather, all we want to do is staying at home, enjoying some movies on Internet under the air conditioner to avoid the heat outside. But summer is also the best time to hang out with our friends, it is really fun to go to enjoy some ice creams together, go to visit the ocean or play in Disneyland. So the best solution I can come up with is the Minifan. It is really useful and convenient. It is small enough to put in your bag so you can bring it everywhere you go. It has a lot of colors, you can choose whatever colors you like. This small minifan also easily to find in such place like Daiso or Don Quijote.



Eating cereals is very good for your healthy. Here are some benefits of eating cereals:

  1. Cereals contains a lot of good nutrient for your health.

  2. The benefits of eating nutritious cereal for breakfast go beyond staying full and avoiding obesity

  3. When you eat cereal in the morning, you’re less likely to experience cravings for unhealthy, high-calorie and high-fat foods later in the day. Therefore, cereals can prevent you from having some serious diseases that cause from fast food such as high pressure in blood, cancer etc.

These are the reason why many people consider cereals is the best option for their breakfast. Let’s eat cereals more often for our health.



Hakone is one of the best place I have visited in Japan. I went there with my friends l3 months ago, We really enjoyed the beautiful there. For me, my best experience is enjoying the Japanese traditional Osen. I love it a lot. Another thing makes me fall in love with Hakone is the food there. We ate many kind of fish and ice cream in Hakone. I would really love to visit Hakone again in the future.

Cooking Journal!

Now that I’m almost home, it seems like a good time to recount the food I’ve made so far here! Since I’m living in one of the most expensive place in the world, sooner or later I have to cook to sustain myself financially. That then has lead u to many interesting things, interesting cooking that I’ve made. Why interesting? Well, with the limited skills I have, food is bound to turn up.. interestingly (a nice word to encompass either good or disastrous). Well, let’s begin!

Eggs Foo Young, a Chinese Indonesian dish.

Eggs Foo Young, a Chinese Indonesian dish.

The latest one that I made was eggs foo young. It is similar to okonomiyaki, but with simpler filling and simpler sauce (tomato sauce). I’ve been craving some since the last week, so I decided to make one.

Soba with pesto sauce and grilled chicken

Soba with pesto sauce and grilled chicken

Woah, now I’m hungry. This was one of my favorites because soba really is a good medium to cook with. I like how it’s not as heavy as pasta but still holds sauce really well. Paired it with lemon chicken and some enoki, and voila, match made in heaven. I experimented with soba a lot of times actually, I cooked peanut butter soba and it works well. Is it weird if i think peanut butter and grilled octopus would go very well?

Honey butter everything!

Honey butter everything!

This is the last one I’m going to write about because I have too much pictures and food to recount upon. I have experimented with sauces also, but there is nothing I love more than honey butter sauce. It’s really easy too, all the ingredients you need is already in the title (and maybe some salt too..) you have to try how comforting it tastes.

That’s all for today I guess, thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed my cooking journal!