Starbucks Reserve Roastery

Who doesn’t know Starbucks, right? You can spot this well-known coffee shop in almost every places, even 3-4 Starbucks in one building. It is so famous, and is one of the precursors of any coffee shops that currently exist. What I love about Starbucks is that they have their own roastery that we can visit and enjoy, so-called Starbucks Reserve Roastery. They do have one in Japan, and in my opinion the most beautiful Starbucks Reserve Roastery anywhere. Designed by the famous Kengo Kuma himself, no wonder this majestic building attracts a lot of tourist not only because of the food, but also the architectural design as well. It lies in Meguro City, Tokyo, approximately 12-minute walking from Naka-Meguro Station. You can see the authentic coffee maker, how they roast their beans, their bakery, and many other things you can’t see in a regular Starbucks Coffee shop. All of the foods and drinks taste so good! Last month was the first time I visited this place, but definitely not the last!
