Gardening in Japan

How has your stay-at-home request period lasted? Have you gotten into any interesting hobbies recently? I’m sure I have~

I’ve long been interested in growing my own herb garden, and Japan seems to be the perfect place to do so with its four seasons welcoming all kinds of plants and encouraging variety for all of winter, spring, summer, and fall. I’m not really a green thumb myself, but because of the uncertainty of the times, I find relief and peace of mind in plants.

Recently, I started planting again. I started with a cactus because I tend to forget to water plants. I also see myself as one because I am low-maintenance haha! Then I planted mini tomatoes which I might be able to harvest next month. Yay me!

I hope you could see the beauty and peace plants like flowers, herbs, and even succulents give you during these times of unrest. Let’s help the planet keep green by growing a plant or two in our gardens or verandas.

This is my cactus with its flower blooming~

This is my cactus with its flower blooming~