Unique Japanese Items you can buy

Having lived in Japan for four years now, I am still surprised by the innovations and the interesting new products Japanese people come up with. Some can be really fun, but some can be quite strange. Nonetheless I enjoy using what I have bought so far.

Have you tried using a Banana Keeper item? I tried it once and it was nice to keep my banana fresh, although I would love to have more than haha! I’ve also tried the many household items like the soy sauce bottles shaped like cute fish for my sauces and lately alcohol for easy storage. It’s super useful~ Food is always a win for me with various unusual and ingenious creations~

Some of the strange items for me are the face slimming exercise items like the ones we use on our mouths and jaws. The butter stick was also a little hard to use. ^^;

Japan has a mix of quirky and cute items, and I hope more and more people—Japanese and foreigners alike would be willing to try them out for fun.

What would your next find be? Please let me know~

Smores from Dominiuqe Ansel Bakery

Smores from Dominiuqe Ansel Bakery