Being a Foreigner in Japan

I have been living in Japan for a little over four years now, and have had a mix of the good and the bad experiences. It’s been a blast living in another country not my own. There were various challenges, however, there were also joys to be celebrated.

I will not go into detail for some but I will share the most memorable ones I have experienced. The very first one is my first time in Japan. I have just gotten off the plane and with my luggage in hand as well as other bags, I found it difficult to go around the bustling capital. I got lost several times before I reached Tokyo Station to ride a bus to Kisarazu. At first, I felt that the atmosphere was colder than I thought.

Arriving in Chiba, the atmosphere changed and I felt the welcoming mood of the locals. I find living there so peaceful and satisfying. Fast forward to a few months later, I have adjusted to the lifestyle and have been enjoying daily life in Tokyo.

Some challenges were just homesickness, the occasional try-to-eat natto challenge, and the conflict of schedule with friends and loved ones you’d like to meet and talk to.

However, all the good still outweighs the bad as I made friends and even met the love of my life in the country’s capital. I’ve traveled and seen many places and have etched memories on my mind.

How about you? What are your challenges and unforgettable memories in Japan?

A sea of people from the Tsuchiura Fireworks Competition in Ibaraki

A sea of people from the Tsuchiura Fireworks Competition in Ibaraki