Hobbies in Japan

As someone coming from the Philippines, I’ve always wondered what Japanese people did in their free time and I wanted to know if I would be interested in doing the same thing as they are.

I’ve talked to many people in Japan and have found out that the most common hobby is reading, followed by listening to music and watching dramas, especially those recorded on the weekdays to be binge-watched on the weekends.

There are also those who enjoy music such as playing the piano, violin, cello, guitar, and the not so common instruments like saxophones and clarinets. I believe that there is a niche for classical music in Japan. In addition, there are also those who enjoy dancing classical ones, Latin dances, hip-hop, and even Hawaiian hula. Other prefer sports like soccer, baseball, and even fishing.

These are in contrast to people who love collecting different things, from stamps to figures, to clothing, etc. The wide variety of interest always amazes me.

I’ve finally decided that I want to pick up photography and craft-making once this virus outbreak is over. How about you? What new hobby are you interested in?

A sea of people at a Japanese fireworks event

A sea of people at a Japanese fireworks event