Every cloud has a silver lining

As you all know that yesterday the government announced a state of emergency and asked people to stay home. However, yesterday evening I had a doctor's appointment that I cannot miss. So, as usual, I took the train to the clinic. As I got on the tra…

As you all know that yesterday the government announced a state of emergency and asked people to stay home. However, yesterday evening I had a doctor's appointment that I cannot miss. So, as usual, I took the train to the clinic. As I got on the train, I was surprised by the emptiness. Even though it was an evening’s weekday, I only saw 2 other people in the same car as me.

However, because the train was not packed, I was quite lucky to be able to see the beautiful view along the way. The lovely cherry blossom, the clear blue sky, the sunset had just made my day. I thought to myself, maybe this is probably the moment that nature can heal itself for us to be able to appreciate it even more. There is an idiom that my mom used to tell me all the time ‘every cloud has a silver lining’ which means that in every difficult or sad situation, there is always some good aspect to it.

Please don’t forget to look on the bright side! Stay safe, everyone!