

Being a huge travel lover, I have managed to go on 2 big trips ever since coming to Japan. One was to Kansai, the other was to Kyushu. Somehow, during those trips I always ended up spending a few nights in a ryokan. Ryokan is a type of traditional inns which is unique to Japan and in my opinion, a must-try while you are here. More than just a place to sleep, ryokan offers the opportunity to truly experience Japanese culture and hospitality. You can feel the cozy ambiance of Japanese lifestyle as soon as you set foot into your room. Interior design is kept to a minimum but still made sure to retain comfort and utility. Many of Japan’s signature items could be found here: tatami mattress, paper lantern or futon. It’s the perfect place to wind down after a long, exhausting day of travelling. The staffs at all the ryokans I went to were extremely friendly and attentive as well. They made the place a second home from home for me.

Solo travelling


At the beginning of this winter break, I decided to book a flight ticket to Oita. From there, I spent 6 days travelling by myself in the Northern Kyushu area. In the past, one of my biggest fear is having to do things alone, since it might give other people the impression that I am lonely. However, I have grown to appreciate my ‘alone time’. Solo travelling got so much less daunting once I realized the importance of:

1. Not checking social medias

2. Bringing a book and a journal to spare myself the boredom of having nothing to do

3. Setting time aside to meet people. During this trip and many others I managed to reconnect with old friends to whom I haven’t talked for years and meet with new ones

If you plan to travel by yourself in the future, try follow these tips! They will make your trip so much better and easier.