A Day at Tokyo Disneyland

No matter how old you are, Disneyland will always make you feel young. I have been to this place twice but my first time going there was very nostalgic. I spent most of my childhood watching Disney movies, cartoons and series that’s why I love everything about Disney. When I visited Tokyo Disneyland for the first time, I was so amazed with all the details in the park. From the castle up to the smallest candy shapes you can find in some of the foods, they are all very detailed. I would love to go back there over and over again.


Unfortunately with our current situation, the park closed and there is still no update with regards to its reopening. I hope that soon, we can see the children, and kids at heart again enjoying the “happiest place on earth”, Disneyland.

Thrift shopping in Shimo Kitazawa


Recently I rediscovered some photos from when I visited Shimo Kitazawa. Shimo Kitazawa is a small area in western Tokyo, where you can find lots of shopping streets with everything to offer from great restaurants to thrift stores. When I visited in the beginning of March, I was really lucky with the weather. I went there by bike and have been walking around the area for quiet some time. I really enjoyed the atmosphere. There were many young japanese people meeting with their friends and enjoying some cold drinks on the side of the streets. Also, you can get some great deals on second hand clothing, accessories, etc. so if you enjoy shopping, but don't like spending too much money, this is a great way to go. Have you ever been to Shimo Kitazawa? How did you like it?

Some cool graffiti on one of the streets

Some cool graffiti on one of the streets

Cycling through Tokyo


At the beginning of this month the sharehouse I'm staying at offered bike rental. As I have been enjoying riding the bike back in Germany, I though it would be a great way to explore Tokyo by bike as well. Since then I've discovered many new neighbourhoods that I would not have been able to see by just walking there, because they are too far away from my place. My favorite place to ride the bike at is alongside the Arakaka river in eastern Tokyo. My favorite parts are the little breaks inbetween my rides that I spent sitting by the river while enjoying some ice cream. Even though I've seen and done some great things here in Tokyo already, riding the bike in such a beatiful and diverse city is one of my favorite experiences so far. I would definetely recommend that to anyone staying here who's looking for spending some relaxing, but meanwhile exciting time outside.

Sunset from a bridge over the Arakawa

Sunset from a bridge over the Arakawa

Living costs in Japan


One of the first great difference between my home country Germany and Japan that I realized after coming here are the living costs. Of course, living in huge metropolis like Tokyo is more expensive than living on the German countryside. That’s why seeing the cost of my rent was no big surprise, but when I entered a supermarkt here for the first time I was shocked by the prices for food. As the fruit and vegetable section is the first one you see when entering most supermarkets, I was directly exposed to the biggest difference. Especially fruits were very affordable back in Germany, thats why I used to eat a lot of them. An apple for which you pay at least 100 yen per piece here in Japan would cost around 30-40 yen. When I saw those fruits that are supposed to be gifted, I couldn’t believe my eyes. 65000 yen for two mangos? I would never pay that much for such a small amount of fruits. That was a big shock for me especially as it is not common to gift fruits in Germany. Besides that, other food is generally a bit more pricey here in Japan as well, but the differences are definetely not a big as with the fruits. All in all, living here and experiencing a contrast like that makes me value the cheap living costs in Germany a lot more from now on.

One of the most expensive fruits I have seen in my life

One of the most expensive fruits I have seen in my life

A short trip to Okinawa


Some time ago I have been to Okinawa for around one week. The weather was amazing, even though it’s not summer yet. I spent a lot of time outside and have been enjoying the nature and rural Japan as much as possible. I can totally recommend walking and cycling the island. It’s a great way to see more of the environment and to be able to just stop if you see something interesting. Also, the food in Okinawa was incredible. My favorites were taco rice and the shortbread-like cookies called ちんすこう (chinsukou). Besides the shisa statues that you find everywhere and in any imaginable size, those cookies would make a great souvenir for friends and family as well. All in all I had a great time and I would love to come back some day.

A shisa statue at the entrance of a house

A shisa statue at the entrance of a house

My life during #Stayathome


It has been months now since the Coronavirus outbreak and since then life has changed drastically. I am trying to stay home as much as possible. I spend most of my time learning Japanese, watching series, playing games and cooking. Also, I am working from home now which is a great experience.

Especially during days with nice weather outside, it’s hard not to go outside. Sometimes I take a walk around my neighbourhood.

How does you life look like right now?

I hope you are all staying home as much as possible and that the situation calms down soon, so that we can go back to life like it was before.


One day in Odaiba


Just a few weeks after I arrived to Japan, I took a walk to Odaiba.

Odaiba is located near the sea in Tokyo bay, that's why you have a great view of the Tokyo skyline from there. In Odaiba you can find lots of big malls with many interesting stores. I spent a lot of money on great food and goods from my favorite TV shows. After that I went outside to see the giant Gundam. Also, there is a small beach there. It has to be great to sit at this „beach“ and enjoy a cold drink on a hot summer day. I definetely have to come back some day and enjoy the view of the skyline at nighttime next time.

The sunset on my way back home from Odaiba

The sunset on my way back home from Odaiba