How I Prepare for Winter Season

To be honest with you, I am that one guy who doesn’t really like winter season, especially when the wind is blowing strong. One of the reasons will be my dry skin. I used to have a really dry skin since I was a kid, even until now. Body skin, however, is not my worst problem. That will be my lips. As the weather gets really cold and windy, my lips get dry easily and will eventually crack. If it gets worse, it will crack and might bleed out. And let me tell you, that hurts a lot. You won’t look good either, right? That’s why, I consider this picture on the right as my best friend during winter, so-called lip balm (リップクリーム). This lip balm is oily and good to fight your soothed sores or cracked lips. It also has menthol/mint flavour which I like and give that nice cool sensation to my lips.
