Missing School


As a student, holidays are usually the one of the most anticipated part in education years because we need a break after weeks of studying and hardwork. However, ever since the COVID-19 situation, many schools and universities are closed even longer and some even have their courses changed into online. It is not easy to adapt in a new environment like this. Personally, the online classes in my university hasn’t started yet, so I cannot say much about my experiences. However, it is now almost three months since I visited my campus. I miss the environment so much. I miss the classroom, the auditorium, the garden, cafeteria, and many more. The picture beside is the view of Waseda’s garden, which can be seen from the main cafeteria. It’s very beautiful, isn’t it? I hope the COVID-19 situation can be resolved soon, so each of us can go back and enjoy our education lives in wonderful environment.