How's Everyone Doing?


Hey, it’s been really long since I wrote an entry here! I hope everyone’s doing fine. The pandemic is still not over yet, but it seems like quite a lot of places have finished the quarantine period and people are able go to certain places. Though, my school is still conducted online and I still spend most of my time at home. I watch a lot of movies with my family, and there is one that I am very much addicted to (in a good way). If you've ever heard of Broadway musicals, of course you might know about Hamilton! Hamilton is recently brought to the internet through Disney+, where before, Broadway musicals are almost impossible to watch unless you visit the States yourself. But now, to cheer people up from boredom of staying at home, many streaming sites brought various videos that were previously unable to be obtained. I really love Hamilton for its music, story, acting, dance choreography, and many more. It is a really great experience watching Hamilton in the middle of this quarantine. So if you have the chance, please watch it too!