Climbing Mountain Fuji

Time flies! My first time seeing Mountain Fuji was 2 years ago and I miss climbing this beautiful mountain already!

There are different trails to climb Mountain Fuji. I am a beginner climber so I chose the easiest one, the Yoshida trail. It takes between 5-10 hours to reach the summit. Most of the climbers will start from the Kawaguchi-ko 5th station, then going to the 6th, 7th, 8th station. People usually stay in a hostel and take a rest and get ready for the next day climbing to the summit.

The next day, we need to wake up between 2-3 in the early morning to have breakfast and get ready to reach the summit by the sunrise comes. It was exhausting but you would find it worthy after you reached the top of the mountain and see how beautiful the surrounding is.

It may be quite challenging for people not doing sports occasionally, so remember to do some exercise and train your body before going to climb Mountain Fuji!
