Difference between ikebana and Flower Arrangement

Before coming to Tokyo I also attended some Ikebana classes in a small town Kobayashi where I used to live before. However, before I was introduced to Ikebana I thought that it would be the same as regular flower arrangement to which I was introduced back at home as well. In this post I collected some of the main differences which I found interesting.


Ikebana originated in Asia, regular flower arrangement originated in Europe.

Plant Materials:

While regular European flower arrangemet only uses flowers Ikebana also take advantage of other plant materials such as grasses, leaves and trees like curly willows, bear grasses and thin twigs whatsoever.


The main purpose of usual European flower arrangement is to consciously put together a group of flowers so they create an overall effect that is beautiful as a compisition. On the otherhand, in Ikebana there is a great emphasis put on manners an etiquette. Historically Japanese women from a decent family have been learning Ikebana as part of training for married life. Strictly speaking, in order to learn etiquette and manner, lessons must be done in the room of Tatami mat on which both an instructor and students need to sit according to the traditional way.


In Ikebana Kenzan is often used which is a metal plate on which flowers are usually inserted onto. Regular flower arrangement uses floral foam called ‘Oasis’ which purpose is to act and look like a sponge.
