Traditional Japnese dance (日本舞踊)

I feel very special because during this short time I have spent in Japan, I had the opportunity to try out many traditional things. Among these experiences, the most wonderful thing is that I could attend traditional Japanese dance (日本舞踊) lessons.

Before coming to Japan I have been doing ballet so dance was something very close to my heart. I really love the emotions expressed by each movements, performed in a dance. I think ballet goes deep inside, to our hidden places. It teaches us what the human body can do when presistance overcomes the physical limitations of the body.

To be entirely hounest, I didn’t think that I would be touched by anything else as much as by ballet but after the first time I had the chance to see proper performance on the stage, I became really fond of it. Although, I still prefer ballet over Nihon buyo, I trully appreciale it’s artistic feautures and the emotions behind it. Also. in ballet the performance is usually focused on the movements mainly so it has a limited narrative scenes. On the otherhand, nihon buyo is taught in a context with lot of historical background and cultural grounding. Therefore, I feel very lucky because through dancing nihon buyou I could deepen my cultural and historical understanding nontheless, my language skills greatly improved as well.

It would be a mistake to underestimate this type of dance. It might requires less phisical strength than ballet but it’s necessary to have a great deal of emotianal presence during dancing.

I belive, that it’s really hard to give a perfect performance due some of the compex movements in it. So, it takes a lot of effert until someone can perfect the movements.
