
Photography is one of my interest. I took it from an old friend of mine, who really loves taking photos. He taught me how to use a digital camera and inspired me with fascinating pictures that he had taken. Now I usually enjoy taking street photos during solo-travels. I prefer traveling alone if I bring a camera with me. Therefore, any time I want to stop to take a picture, I wouldn’t interrupt anyone. When I walk on the street with my camera, I walk slowly. I’m scared that I would miss something if I walk too fast. Moreover, I don’t always have my camera on. I usually look for interesting things and capture them by my own eyes first. Thus, it requires me to be really observative.


Sushi sushi

Sushi is a very delicious traditional dish in Japan. There are a lot of sushi restaurants in Vietnam and I had tried eating sushi before coming to Japan. In my family, my sister and I really love sushi but my parents don’t because they can’t eat sashimi. When I first came to Japan, the very first sushi restaurant I went to was Genki Sushi. It’s a 100 yen sushi restaurant and in my opinion, it is extremely delicious. i also have a close friend who very likes sushi. We promised to each other that we will go to this place and have a sushi dinner at least once a month. And I hope that I can find a lot of nice restaurants to try different kinds of Japanese dishes when I’m studying here.


Appreciate who we are

Sometimes it’s so hard to satisfy with who we are. I guess every of us has at least once wished to be someone else, or as good as somebody. The person that you wish to be may wish to be another one, and there’s someone out there wishes to be you. The gift of living through failure, sadness, crisis and also happiness, pride, and love... is deeply understanding ourselves. And it's good to be who we are. We don't have to try so hard to make someone like us. We don't have to force ourselves to act the way we're not. It's wonderful to be able to see the value of things and most importantly, be able to see the value of ourselves. I wish you would enjoy who you are, but never stop trying to be the best version of yourself.


The one with my favourite TV show

It’s my hobby to watch movies or shows whenever I have some spare time. Recently, my friend recommended me a show, “Friends” and it turns out to be a very great show. This show is about a group of friends - Monica, Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Joey and Phoebe. They shared almost every moments of their life together. There are three main places that are used as a background in this show: Monica’s apartment, Joey and Chandler’s apartment and a coffee shop named Central Perk. I love this TV show because it not only makes you laugh, makes you relax after hours of hardworking but it also makes you to have a thought about things around you, your relationships, your life. This show actually teaches me a lot.


Ride a bike near the beach

It was a Sunday on Lyson Island, Vietnam. When I was wandering near the beach, I saw 2 little kids helping their mother collecting duckweed. Next to them was a bike. The bike looked pretty old, but it caught my attention immediately. I wondered when was the last time I rode a bike. It didn't take me long to walk toward them and ask for borrowing the bike for a few minutes. The kids seemed to be suprised, but they still let me take their bike (I really appreciate). That was the first time I have ever rode a bike near the beach. It was such a great experience when you could feel the fresh wind and the sound of the sea at the same time. Of course, after enjoying the ride, I went back and returned the bike for the kids. Thanks to them, I had the best ride ever.



I’ve been in Japan for more t than half a year but I still usually feel homesick. When I was in Vietnam with my family and friends, I had nothing to worry about. Being with my family, my mom and dad would cook me whatever I want to eat. Being with my friends in Vietnam, I could go wherever I want to go with them. I will not be bored, I will not be sad and most importantly, I don’t have to feel homesick anymore. Studying and living in Japan is a very great opportunity for me to pursue my dream job, but I really miss the traffic jam in Saigon, I miss the taste of a big bowl of “Pho”, and I miss the good smell of my mom’s food whenever I came home from school. This feeling is not easy at all and I really wish I can be with my family right now.

Vietnam from above

Vietnam from above

I am scared of height

Height is one of my biggest fears. My legs shake even when I’m just standing on a bridge. When I was 15, to mark the maturity, my team and I had to overcome a challenge (It is a trandition of my club). The challenge was climbing up a sand hill. It was a pretty high hill, which made me worried a lot. In the end, thanks to my teammates, I could make it. While we were climbing up the hill, my teammates tried to distract me from looking down by talking about other topics. When we finished our talk, we have already been there, on the top of the hill. It could be scary at the beginning, but everything become easier when we have friends around.


A "Lucky" Dog

My friend has a dog named Lucky. It's not a random name since this buddy is actually lucky. He's 14 years old, which is quite old for a dog. He also has one missing eye and half deaf. Lucky is a strong dog. He never gives up on living. Although he is really weak now, I think that he still wants to be with his owner a little more. When I think about Lucky, I feel encouraged. He reminds me to be strong when I'm weak.


Volunteer on an island

One of the greatest memories in my life was being a volunteer on Lyson island, Vietnam. Together with my team, we opened free summer classes for high school students there. We had 13 talented volunteers from all over the country gather and create an unforgettable summer on this beautiful island. We had classes every day, except Sunday, from morning to evening. On Sunday, our students became our tour guides. They took us to every corner of the island and told us about its history. After the trip, I have learned a lot about lives near the sea coast. Lyson was a meaningful experience that I could never forget.



Traveling is walking out of your safe zone, being open-minded to any thing you would find. Traveling is trying to understand what people want you to know, even they are in a language that you don't use everyday. Traveling is accepting the difference between other cultures and yours, knowing that there's no right or wrong when it comes to belief. Traveling is uncomfortable sometimes, yet it is an opportunity to see how diverse and wonderful this world is. Do you like traveling? I do .
