Sushi sushi

Sushi is a very delicious traditional dish in Japan. There are a lot of sushi restaurants in Vietnam and I had tried eating sushi before coming to Japan. In my family, my sister and I really love sushi but my parents don’t because they can’t eat sashimi. When I first came to Japan, the very first sushi restaurant I went to was Genki Sushi. It’s a 100 yen sushi restaurant and in my opinion, it is extremely delicious. i also have a close friend who very likes sushi. We promised to each other that we will go to this place and have a sushi dinner at least once a month. And I hope that I can find a lot of nice restaurants to try different kinds of Japanese dishes when I’m studying here.


On a rainy day.

There are many people I know that hate rain, but not like them, I don’t, and I really love rain. It was the very first Sunday of March when raindrops were falling down from the sky, my friend and I decided to go to a Starbucks near our place. It’s weird that I chose to go out on a rainy day instead of staying at home, but there’s something I have to say: Walking under the rain, to me, is very relaxing. With the rain, I can find peace in my soul. With the rain, I can finally stop worrying about my life for a while, just to enjoy that moment. With the rain, my sadness can be partly washed away. And most importantly, the cold of the rain together with the taste of a cup of Green Tea Latte was the best combination I could ask for in the rainy day.

Da Lat - The city of love in Vietnam

I was born and raised in Ho Chi Minh City, one of the three largest cities in Vietnam, but I have a huge love for Da Lat, a small beautiful city in the highland of Vietnam. Ever since I was born, I have been to Da Lat for more than twenty times, maybe once or twice a year. And I have no ideas why I fell in love with this place. Maybe it is because I had so many fun memories here, with my family, with my friends. Maybe it is because this city is filled with so many nice people. Maybe it is because the scenery here is breath-taking. Maybe it is because the food is so delicious. Or maybe I am just simply in love with this place for no reasons. Every time my family or my friends ask me where we should go on vacation, Da Lat is always my first suggestion. If you have a chance to travel to Vietnam, don’t forget this spot, it won’t make you disappointed.



I’ve been in Japan for more t than half a year but I still usually feel homesick. When I was in Vietnam with my family and friends, I had nothing to worry about. Being with my family, my mom and dad would cook me whatever I want to eat. Being with my friends in Vietnam, I could go wherever I want to go with them. I will not be bored, I will not be sad and most importantly, I don’t have to feel homesick anymore. Studying and living in Japan is a very great opportunity for me to pursue my dream job, but I really miss the traffic jam in Saigon, I miss the taste of a big bowl of “Pho”, and I miss the good smell of my mom’s food whenever I came home from school. This feeling is not easy at all and I really wish I can be with my family right now.

Vietnam from above

Vietnam from above

A day to remember

It was the last Saturday of February 2019. I went back to my high school, joined with my friends in a club activity. It’s been such a long time that I finally met my dear friends and have so much fun like that. We shared our life stories, we laughed together, we made memories, we took pictures and we had a lot of fun together. It was a very memorable day. It reminded me of how happy I was when I was still in high school with them. Thanks to my high school, I had a chance to meet such amazing people who brought me only good vibes. I miss them so much and I can’t wait until the day I can meet them again.
