

Tantanmen (担々麺), what a delicious food this is! This good looking food is a Japanese take on what originally comes from China, which is Dandan Noodles. Generally, it contains preserved vegetables, minced pork, chilli oil, Chinese Sichuan spices, scallions, and of course, unique hand-made noodles. The first bite you take will straight up blow your mind as if you are actually in China. The authentic flavour of those spices are just going to make you want some more of it. Most of the times, soy milk is added to elevate the flavour of the warm, exciting broth. If you cannot handle spicy food, sometimes you can ask the seller to discard all of the chillis from the dish. It may contain too much ingredients, but once you mixed them all together, the flavour will make sense. I really hope this tantanmen shop opens nearby where I live, so I can enjoy it anytime I want.


This is absolutely a comfort food that you should try when visiting Japan. Gyoza (餃子) or Japanese dumpling is actually originated from China, but got really popular in Japan since the 20th century. This food is a labour of love wrapped with minced meat vegetables, soy sauce, sesame oil, and many other delicious ingredients. which then will be fried for a while to be able to give a unique, crunchy, flavourful taste (usually also called as yaki-gyoza). Some gyoza are only steamed and not fried, we call them sui-gyoza. Most restaurants and stalls sell 6-pieces set of gyoza for around 300 until 500 yen, which is a really great price for such food! The flavour will elevate once you dip the gyoza into a soy sauce.
