The Best Doughnut in Kyoto

This is simply the tastiest doughnuts I’ve ever tasted in Japan. Japanese people call this 豆乳ドーナツ, or Tonyu Doughnut. Tonyu Doughnut is made of soy milk and therefore has a really chewy and soft texture once you take a bite. You can find this a lot in Nishiki Market, which is the second largest shopping district in Kyoto that offers various of traditional and delicious foods. Originally, Tonyu Doughnut is only served with white cane powdered sugar on top of it. However, you can find a lot of version with fillings or even more toppings like maple syrup or vegetable oil. This is definitely a must try food when you visit Kyoto.



This is absolutely a comfort food that you should try when visiting Japan. Gyoza (餃子) or Japanese dumpling is actually originated from China, but got really popular in Japan since the 20th century. This food is a labour of love wrapped with minced meat vegetables, soy sauce, sesame oil, and many other delicious ingredients. which then will be fried for a while to be able to give a unique, crunchy, flavourful taste (usually also called as yaki-gyoza). Some gyoza are only steamed and not fried, we call them sui-gyoza. Most restaurants and stalls sell 6-pieces set of gyoza for around 300 until 500 yen, which is a really great price for such food! The flavour will elevate once you dip the gyoza into a soy sauce.


Fushimi Inari-taisha

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Fushimi Inari-taisha is one of the most iconic places in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. This 1400-years-old shrine is always crowded with tourists and even local people. There are approximately 10000 gates that we can observe and take pictures with. For those of you who love physical activity, there are also a total of 12000 steps that you have to pass through if you want to completely explore this shrine. Back in June when I visited this place, I was totally tired, especially with the hot weather during summer. However, it was a fantastic experience being able to get closer to Japanese culture! The beautiful colours, architectural design, and new cultures that I got to see were just mesmerising. If you are planning to go to Kyoto, this is a really must-visit place that definitely offers amazing experiences.