My first purikura

Harajuku is not only a beautiful natural spot but also the centre of Japanese pop culture. In the neighborhood you can find plenty of fashion boutiques, used clothes stores thrift stores, themed cafes and more. “In Tokyo there is a kind of flow of energy when it comes to fashion,” and “Harajuku is the source of this flow.” as a blog entry on support Quartz suggested.

As a forigner coming from Europe, Harajuku represents everything how I would imagine Japan’s fashion-forward youth culture looks like. Although, unlike in the 1990s there are less and less people who are choosing the exaggerated and accessorized cartoonish effect, you can still see plenty of shocking dresses on streets of Harajuku. Unfortunately, in Tokyo just like in any other parts of the world many people chose mass-produced clothing brands instead of the custom-made ones. Yet, still in this area of Tokyo a lot of peole seem to be accumulated who still seem to favour some original fashion directions from the previous decades.

It was my second time in Harjuku. The first time I went there, I had the chance to go the Kawaii monster cafe which is one of the top-rated pop restaurants in Harajuku. This time, I focused more on exploring the shopping opportunities the place could offer. This was my first time doing some shopping in Tokyo so I was really excited about it.

Overall, I think Harjuku is one of the best places to spend a day with shopping if you have some extra cash to spend. You can find there almost all of the famous barnds stores we have in Europe as well but in addition you also have the opporyunity to immerse yourself into smaller shops offering local products which by the way serve well as souvenirs.

Nonetheless, I aslo took my first purikura in Takeshita street. I was amazed how many different types of photo booths they have there. You can choose between japanese and bit more wester like machines which use less intensuive photoshop.


Tokyo Disneyland

Doesn’t matter whether you are a kid, adolescent, adult, or senior, you will still want to go to Disneyland, regardless of how old you are. Tokyo Disneyland is never empty of visitors! Trust me, I’ve been there 3 times in my entire life and I haven’t gotten bored at all. Despite the not-so-cheap price, the experience is definitely worth it, considering that there are tons of things you can do in Disneyland. Obviously, the rides are the main attraction, but more than that, you can enjoy night parade which is amusingly beautiful! Even during certain day, there will be a special parade which will be different than any normal parade. Gifts are also available in any kind of form, which I really like. The only downside is, we usually have to wait for 1-2 hours to get into a ride. However, the pain from waiting for such a long time is definitely paid off with the excitement as you get to experience the ride. You can go with your friend, family, or even your boyfriend/girlfriend! I guarantee you this won’t disappoint you.


School trip to Disneyland

The main reason why I came to Japan is to attand Japanese language classes in Tokyo. Since, I used to live here for a year during high school I already have some basic knoiwledge of the language. However, I would be really glad if I could further improve my skills during this year.

Although, at first I thought that comopered to university, going to a language school would be a lot easier. I soon found out that I was comletely wrong. We have a lot of homework and tests every week, not to mention the amount of self studying we are suppused to do at home. Therefore, despite the fact that it is a lot of fun to go to the school due the international environment and funny teachers it can get a little stressful at some point. That is why I was so happy when I got to know that we will go on a school trip to Disneyland. It was nice to finally spend some time outside the classroom with my friends.

I really like going to Disnayland and whenever i come to Tokyo I try to go there at least once. In my opinion, there are rides which can be found at all Disney Resorts, but there are also rides which are specific to each Disney Resort. That is why I think it is enjoyable to explore the various disneylands at the differet part of the world.

What I love about Disneyland is that there’s truly something for everyone. Thrill seekers can enjoy the hop onto rollarcoasters but families with small children can still enjoy the beautifully designed safe, slow rides.


My favorite bakery


Recently I’ve been travelling a lot. It’s a nice thing to be able to tour different places but at the same time, my body got tired from constantly being on the road. That’s why this week, my friend and I decided to have a break and treat ourselves to some good food. One of the places we went to was The Little Bakery Tokyo, located in Shibuya. I love everything there, from the tasty bread to the cool interior design. It’s definitely popular among young people, so everything often sells out very quickly. As I went there a little later in the afternoon, there was already a pretty long queue of people. However the wait was definitely worth it as we very much enjoyed our food!