Performing at My Dormitory's Festival

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On Sunday, 10 November 2019, I did a performance for the second time in my dormitory’s festival. The festival is called WISH Festival (WISH stands for Waseda International Student Housing), which is held once a year, and there are various booths, culinary, games, and performances from students all over the world. This year, I sang a duet with my friend. In total, we sang three songs: one Indonesian, one English, and one Chinese song. I was pretty surprised to know there were more friends coming to watch me than I thought. My friends from circle, church, other dorms, and also classmates. I had so much bliss when I performed. The duet song also went well, and our performance was well received as everyone gave us a warm applause at the end. Lastly, we took many photos together with the stage decorations. This was a very unforgettable moment for me.

2020 is near!

Time flies fast, so fast that apparently 2020 is only 2 months away! Isn’t that crazy? Every new year in Japan, bells are going to be rang in several temples to symbolise that a new year has come. One of places that’s going to be crowded with people is the Sensō-ji (浅草寺), or also known as Asakusa Kannon Temple. Originally build to commemorate the goddess of mercy, Sensō-ji is the oldest temple and probably the most majestic temple in Tokyo. A lot of tourists visited this temple everyday and it never gets empty, in fact, it gets even crazier when celebrating new year. Not only can you enjoy the view and experience the culture, but also you can enjoy foods from various stalls around the temple. The architectural design is one of the greatest, exposing its charming and intriguing historical background. No wonder, why a lot of people came to this place for the 2019 new year celebration. I was shocked seeing how many people actually willing to spend their time, including tourists, in this temple. I would definitely go again to this temple for new year!
