Japanese Architecture on Starbucks

Yesterday I went to Kawagoe to see Japanesetraditional achitecture with my friend. I There I ate several Japanese sweet like Imokoi (which suprisingly tastes like Indonesian traditional cake). The old architecture there really amazed me. But, the most surprising one is the Starbucks cafe there. This Starbucks cafe that’s located in Kawagoe sightseeing area adopted Japanese architecture. I like the looks of it! And apparently it’s not only me! A lot of tourists tried to take several photos. I even had to wait to take a photo from nice angle. Below is the photo I managed to take.

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Indonesian Traditional Clothes

Hello Everyone! I’m new here. This week is my third week here in Japan.

One of many things I realized after three weeks living in Japan is that Japanese people dress themselves very nicely and their style vary from each other. To me, Japanese people seem to put a lot of attention to fashion and their clothes. That’s why I’d like to show you Indonesian traditional clothes.

Indonesia has more than 700 tribes that’s spread out in 33 provinces in Indonesia. Each tribe usually has their own traditional clothes that’s unique and differs from each other. Does that mean you need to visit every province to see the traditional clothes? Worry not, you don’t need to do that. You can just visit Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) that’s located in our capital city, Jakarta. TMII has more than 50 collections of Indonesian traditional clothes. You can check some of them in the picture I took there below. In TMII, you can also find miniature of Indonesian traditional house, cultural exhibition, and many more.

If you are planning to go to Jakarta or just interested in Indonesian culture, just comment below. Maybe I can give you some tips! ;)


Da Lat - The city of love in Vietnam

I was born and raised in Ho Chi Minh City, one of the three largest cities in Vietnam, but I have a huge love for Da Lat, a small beautiful city in the highland of Vietnam. Ever since I was born, I have been to Da Lat for more than twenty times, maybe once or twice a year. And I have no ideas why I fell in love with this place. Maybe it is because I had so many fun memories here, with my family, with my friends. Maybe it is because this city is filled with so many nice people. Maybe it is because the scenery here is breath-taking. Maybe it is because the food is so delicious. Or maybe I am just simply in love with this place for no reasons. Every time my family or my friends ask me where we should go on vacation, Da Lat is always my first suggestion. If you have a chance to travel to Vietnam, don’t forget this spot, it won’t make you disappointed.
