Japanese diet

It’s been four months since I arrive to Japan. Since I am from middle Europe it took me quite a long time to get used to the lifestyle here. There are huge diffences in almost all areas of life but maybe for me one of the hardest thing was to adjust to the food here. It wasn’t difficult because I don’t like the food here. It’s the exact opposite, even back in Hungary I went to eat out quite often in Japnese restaurants since I had a big passion for sushi and ramen. The main reason it was hard. I think is because I needed to change my carbohydrate sources. I switched from bread to rice, from spagetthi to ramen and yakisoba and the bacterial flora of some of the ingredients inside of these measl are very different from what my European stomach was used to. Maybe when you travel only for a couple of weeks there differences are not that apparent to your body but since I am libving here now my immune system needed to go through some drastical changes.

Although, I must say that since I arrived Japan and I started to eat local food I feel much more healthier and energetic than before. Compred to Hungary the dishes are less oily and fatty and which I love most about Japanese kitchen is that there are many meals which can be prepared very easily. Back in Hungary, when my mom cooked something I remember that she always spent long hours in the kitchen but here cooking seems so much less stressful and time consuming which is a great thing in my opinion.

Also, another great thing is that treaditional Japanese fastfood is less harmful to the body than “western” fast fast food in my country. When I eat fast food in Budapest it’s usually either a pizza or hamburger but here there are better options here. As I heard ramen and udon are consideres as fast food here. Yet, even if you eat them multible times a week it won’t have a negative effect on your diet or eatinmg habbits.


Christmas time


Christmas is my favorite time of the year. It feels so festive already here in Japan, even though December has just started. Streets are filled with lights. Stores has started displaying holiday gifts. Christmas songs could be heard in many cafes and restaurants. This year, I am spending my Christmas with my friends in Fukuoka. Winter break, please come quickly! A trip is all I want right now.

My trip to Miyazaki 🎎👘

Before coming to Tokyo to spend my gap year here, I used to go to a traditional Japanese high school in Miyazaki. Therefore, before starting my language school this September I went back there to visit some family friends.

I don’t think that Miyazaki is a popular tourist destination. Yet, because of the fact that I lived there, it is really close to my heart. I live in Hungary in Europe so, I don't have the chance often to see the sea or the ocean but by living in Miyazaki I had the opportunity to take a walk along the beach on any day I wanted. Also, with the palm trees, warm weather and the yearly surfing competitions I truly felt like as if I was living on a tropical island haha. In addidion, another thing I love about this prefecture is the distinctive combination of the seaside and the mountins. I've visited qiuite a few places during the years but this is a mixture that one can rarely see.


Fushimi Inari-taisha

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Fushimi Inari-taisha is one of the most iconic places in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. This 1400-years-old shrine is always crowded with tourists and even local people. There are approximately 10000 gates that we can observe and take pictures with. For those of you who love physical activity, there are also a total of 12000 steps that you have to pass through if you want to completely explore this shrine. Back in June when I visited this place, I was totally tired, especially with the hot weather during summer. However, it was a fantastic experience being able to get closer to Japanese culture! The beautiful colours, architectural design, and new cultures that I got to see were just mesmerising. If you are planning to go to Kyoto, this is a really must-visit place that definitely offers amazing experiences.