
I have to admit that having a pet around sometimes brings a lot of fun. They could be naughty sometimes, but to them, we are their whole world. They know how to make us laugh when things don't work out. They know how to bring relaxation to a busy, stressful day.


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Graffiti is an art of drawing on a wall. It is not an easy thing, I believe. I saw 2 graffiti artists last weekend, at a festival near Yoyogi park. They were drawing in front of people, on the stage. They have not finished their wall before I left but I guess they drew a cat.


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Cycling is good for your health. It's an easy exercise to do every day. Cycling is also very relaxing. You could enjoy the sun and the wind while you are riding your bike. It's also very cheap since you don't have to pay for any service like at the gym.


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The Jar of Adventure and Happiness

Each little stone represents for a place that I have been to. Every person I have met and every meaningful work that we've done together makes who I am today. All of them are nothing but precious to me. I named this The Jar of Adventures and Happiness since to me, adventures are all about learning and creating values, what is my truly biggest happiness.


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I want to see more snow

Winter is cold. It will be even colder with snow. However, as a person who grew up in a tropical country, I had never seen snow before I went to Japan. That's why I really like seeing it. However, this year 2019, it snowed only once or twice in Tokyo. I want to see more snow.


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My breakfast

I usually have breakfast at 7:30 every morning. Because I don't have a lot of time, I usually eat noodles, eggs, sausages and a cup of chocolate. My favourite instant noodles brand is Indomie from Indonesia. It is very delicious. I recommend you to give it a try!



My free time

Because of school, I am often busy. In my free time there are many things I like to do. The first thing I like to do in my free time is play video games. They are really fun! The second thing I like to do in my free time is sing karaoke. I really love to sing. The third thing I like to do is cook. My favorite thing to make are desserts. I love to make cakes! There are many things I can do in my free time, but playing video games, singing karaoke, and cooking are my favorite.


Studying in cafés

If you’re anything like me, you may find it difficult to study (or work) when you’re at home. Being productive in general is considerably more of a challenge when you have a couch to spread out on, a loud TV in the background and a fridge full of tasty treats. Going to a café is a possible solution to this problem: personally, I find it easier to concentrate on a specific task when I’m surrounded by other people doing their best to get things done… Or at least that’s how most people sitting in cafés look like to me. If there’s nice background music that’s a plus, as it helps focus and discover new music at the same time. If it only was a little bit less expensive I’d surely go study in cafés more often.

Do you find it easier to concentrate at home or in a café?


Photography is one of my interest. I took it from an old friend of mine, who really loves taking photos. He taught me how to use a digital camera and inspired me with fascinating pictures that he had taken. Now I usually enjoy taking street photos during solo-travels. I prefer traveling alone if I bring a camera with me. Therefore, any time I want to stop to take a picture, I wouldn’t interrupt anyone. When I walk on the street with my camera, I walk slowly. I’m scared that I would miss something if I walk too fast. Moreover, I don’t always have my camera on. I usually look for interesting things and capture them by my own eyes first. Thus, it requires me to be really observative.


Keeping a journal

“Dear diary,” I’m sure that most people started (or at least thought of) writing a journal when they were young. I certainly did when I was in elementary school. My “secret diary” was a safe place to store my deepest feelings and weirdest stories. After a while, however, I completely stopped writing new entries ― just like everybody else I know who’s tried keeping a journal. A few years ago I found that very journal in an old cardboard box forgotten in the garage. I dusted it off and started reading the first pages. As soon as I finished reading it, I rushed upstairs and got ready to burn it (which I eventually did) but I can’t hide I was deeply moved by what was written in those pages: feelings and words and how you express yourself are part of your identity, and being able to see how that changes with time is priceless. Honestly, I wish I kept updating my journal for longer back then.

What are your thoughts on keeping a journal?

Little shout-out to ebooks

I recently rediscovered the pleasure of reading. When I was in elementary school, I used to devour dozens of books and I wasn’t afraid of trying out new genres. Now I’m living in another country and I don’t have enough time to read as much, nor do I have enough physical space to store and carry around paperback copies of my favorite books. When I experienced my first long-term stay in Japan a few years ago, I realized that I could read on the go by buying digital books and have them available on all of my devices. I can’t say that I am a full-time reader now, but I buy myself at least a new book a month. Whenever I start reading I end up being caught in another world, and that’s exactly how I used to feel when I was a kid.

Do you read e-books?


If you’re not a coffee addict yourself, I bet you know at least one person who loves coffee like crazy. Coffee’s popularity around the world is due in part to the addictiveness of caffeine, but also to its health benefits, such as lowering the risk of mental and physical diseases, enhancing brain functions and boosting metabolism. To maximize its beneficial health effects, it’s important to drink it when the body produces less cortisol (which is about three to four hours after waking up) and to avoid adding too much sugar. Since drinking non-decaffeinated coffee too often can cause anxiety and disrupt sleep, I decided to limit my coffee intake to one cup a day, which I religiously drink every morning to start my day.

When do you usually drink coffee?