Sushi sushi

Sushi is a very delicious traditional dish in Japan. There are a lot of sushi restaurants in Vietnam and I had tried eating sushi before coming to Japan. In my family, my sister and I really love sushi but my parents don’t because they can’t eat sashimi. When I first came to Japan, the very first sushi restaurant I went to was Genki Sushi. It’s a 100 yen sushi restaurant and in my opinion, it is extremely delicious. i also have a close friend who very likes sushi. We promised to each other that we will go to this place and have a sushi dinner at least once a month. And I hope that I can find a lot of nice restaurants to try different kinds of Japanese dishes when I’m studying here.


Appreciate who we are

Sometimes it’s so hard to satisfy with who we are. I guess every of us has at least once wished to be someone else, or as good as somebody. The person that you wish to be may wish to be another one, and there’s someone out there wishes to be you. The gift of living through failure, sadness, crisis and also happiness, pride, and love... is deeply understanding ourselves. And it's good to be who we are. We don't have to try so hard to make someone like us. We don't have to force ourselves to act the way we're not. It's wonderful to be able to see the value of things and most importantly, be able to see the value of ourselves. I wish you would enjoy who you are, but never stop trying to be the best version of yourself.


I Scream for Ice Cream

I think that Japan is a creative country. There are lots of novelty items for various products that aren’t sold in my country. For example, the many flavors of Kit Kat. There are also a lot of creativity poured into homemade sweets brands. I’d love to visit all these places. The only problem that I have is the fact that most of these shops close quiet early. For example, an ice cream store in my country would probably close aroun 10-11pm. But in Japan, not only ice cream store but most stores close as early as 8pm. When I went to Shibuya the other day, it was close to 8pm and I wanted to have dessert. I was lucky that I could go to this place called Vito and enjoyed their gelato.


Okonomiyaki Smile

I have had lots of takoyaki before, but I have never had okonomiyaki. My friend and I have always wanted to visit this okonomiyaki restaurant near our dorm. But it was always full during the evening, and we haven’t been able to get ourselves seats. That day we came at 5pm, as soon as the restaurant opened. In fact, I was the first person to step in that day. We sat down and ordered okonomiyaki for each person, which turned out to be too much. I find that okonomiyaki is very delicious and satisfying. Even though it had vegetables which I don’t usually like, the flavor blends well with the meat, egg, sauce, and all the other ingredients. My friend and I loved the restaurant. We left with very good memories and we would love to come back. Next time, we will take seats along the counter so as to see the chefs cook the okonomiyaki from start to finish.



I have always wanted to try a Japanese food called ‘sukiyaki’. I first heard about it as a song title from Sakamoto Kyu. The original title of the song is ‘Ue Wo Muite Arukou’ but the English title is ‘Sukiyaki’ because it’s easier to remember. My friend and I went to this restaurant in Kudanshita a few days ago. It was very close to the station, which was comfortable. We ordered several foods, and for the main course we had one big Sukiyaki. It came with a stove to heat the soup and boil the vegetable, meat, and eggs inside. The staff offered raw eggs and we gladly accepted. We took a little bit of everything into our small bowls, then cracked the raw eggs on top of it. We mixed them all together and then ate them. It was very nice, and my stomach was immediately full. I’m so glad we went out for sukiyaki. 


On a rainy day.

There are many people I know that hate rain, but not like them, I don’t, and I really love rain. It was the very first Sunday of March when raindrops were falling down from the sky, my friend and I decided to go to a Starbucks near our place. It’s weird that I chose to go out on a rainy day instead of staying at home, but there’s something I have to say: Walking under the rain, to me, is very relaxing. With the rain, I can find peace in my soul. With the rain, I can finally stop worrying about my life for a while, just to enjoy that moment. With the rain, my sadness can be partly washed away. And most importantly, the cold of the rain together with the taste of a cup of Green Tea Latte was the best combination I could ask for in the rainy day.

The one with my favourite TV show

It’s my hobby to watch movies or shows whenever I have some spare time. Recently, my friend recommended me a show, “Friends” and it turns out to be a very great show. This show is about a group of friends - Monica, Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Joey and Phoebe. They shared almost every moments of their life together. There are three main places that are used as a background in this show: Monica’s apartment, Joey and Chandler’s apartment and a coffee shop named Central Perk. I love this TV show because it not only makes you laugh, makes you relax after hours of hardworking but it also makes you to have a thought about things around you, your relationships, your life. This show actually teaches me a lot.


Da Lat - The city of love in Vietnam

I was born and raised in Ho Chi Minh City, one of the three largest cities in Vietnam, but I have a huge love for Da Lat, a small beautiful city in the highland of Vietnam. Ever since I was born, I have been to Da Lat for more than twenty times, maybe once or twice a year. And I have no ideas why I fell in love with this place. Maybe it is because I had so many fun memories here, with my family, with my friends. Maybe it is because this city is filled with so many nice people. Maybe it is because the scenery here is breath-taking. Maybe it is because the food is so delicious. Or maybe I am just simply in love with this place for no reasons. Every time my family or my friends ask me where we should go on vacation, Da Lat is always my first suggestion. If you have a chance to travel to Vietnam, don’t forget this spot, it won’t make you disappointed.


Karaoke in Japan

Karaoke is very popular in Japan and other Asian countries. ‘Karaoke’ is actually a Japanese word originally meaning ‘empty orchestra’. The term spread quickly and is now widely used all over the world, even though its pronunciation and meaning suffer slight changes from culture to culture. In Japan, karaoke is a place people go to with their friends to have fun, or, less commonly, on their own to practice their singing skills; it’s also possible to eat and spend the night at a Japanese karaoke! I enjoy every minute I spend there: it’s like an alternate reality where shy people are not afraid of letting their voice out, where literally tone-deaf people get pumped up by their friends’ sincere claps, and where people with beautiful singing voices bring the room to religious silence, which culminates in incredulous amazement. It might not be the cheapest way to spend your leisure time, but the overall experience is worth the money big time.

What are some of your favorite karaoke moments?

Grown-up: Breakfast becomes important

When I was in high school, breakfast was the last thing I would think about every morning. I’d rather spend 30 minutes on sleeping than preparing breakfast. I’d rather save ¥ 500 for a cup of coffee with my friends than buy something to eat on the road to school. I have never given enough care to breakfast, neither my health since I believed that if I got sick, my parents would take care of me. Things have changed since I moved out, maybe even more than moving “out”, I moved to another country to study abroad. I realize that my parents could no longer travel 3666.09 km just to take care of me when I get sick or spend a huge amount of money to see a doctor in Japan. I have no choice but being serious about my own health. I start making breakfast every day or at least buy something to eat on the road to my station. I have to make sure that I have enough energy to study and work all day long. To me, growing up is when breakfast becomes important.


Writing about food

We’re always surrounded by delicious food that lets us share happy moments together and brings joy into our lives. I think there is a strong connection between food, memories and cultural identity ― I am a big food lover. Of course, I’m still skeptic about some ingredients and combinations, but I’m learning to be more open as I travel to new places and meet new people. I love sharing pictures of meals I enjoyed with friends and family, but writing about it is a different kettle of fish. Whenever I go through my pictures and I see something delicious I ate in the past, I get this mouth-watering feeling that soon turns into huge appetite. I have many ideas and pictures (so many that this could be a food-related blog) but I fear I’d end up rushing to the kitchen every time I write about something that makes me hungry.

How is food special to you?

Bed or futon?

A bed is a piece of furniture likely to be found in every house around the world. However, beds come in different shapes and “colors”. For people raised in a Western society, a bed is composed of: bed frame, mattress(es), pillow(s) and all sorts of sheets, covers and blankets. The first time I came to Japan I discovered the futon, a simpler interpretation of the concept of “bed”. While there are variations, a classic futon is basically a Japanese mattress with a big blanket and a pillow. At first I thought that sleeping on a relatively thin sleeping mat on the floor could have repercussions on my health, but after a whole year I didn’t notice any substantial differences. I am currently considering reverting to the futon lifestyle: it’s relatively cheap and it would help free up space in my bedroom.

Which one do you prefer and why?

Ride a bike near the beach

It was a Sunday on Lyson Island, Vietnam. When I was wandering near the beach, I saw 2 little kids helping their mother collecting duckweed. Next to them was a bike. The bike looked pretty old, but it caught my attention immediately. I wondered when was the last time I rode a bike. It didn't take me long to walk toward them and ask for borrowing the bike for a few minutes. The kids seemed to be suprised, but they still let me take their bike (I really appreciate). That was the first time I have ever rode a bike near the beach. It was such a great experience when you could feel the fresh wind and the sound of the sea at the same time. Of course, after enjoying the ride, I went back and returned the bike for the kids. Thanks to them, I had the best ride ever.


What will change when you learn a new language?

A Czech proverb says "learn a new language and get a new soul". I think this is true. I believe that multilingualism plays a notable role in the change of learners’ personality, particularly in the fostering of empathy. When I learn a new language, I recognize that there are a lot of differences between how people using different languages to describe things. Even between 2 sentences which are said to have a same meaning, there are still some slight differences between them. By understanding the diversity of languages and meaning, multilinguals are more likely to accept and appreciate others’ distinct cultures and mindsets. It can be said that learning new languages encourages the learner’s empathy awareness. What about you? Do you feel any changes when you learn any new language?



I’ve been in Japan for more t than half a year but I still usually feel homesick. When I was in Vietnam with my family and friends, I had nothing to worry about. Being with my family, my mom and dad would cook me whatever I want to eat. Being with my friends in Vietnam, I could go wherever I want to go with them. I will not be bored, I will not be sad and most importantly, I don’t have to feel homesick anymore. Studying and living in Japan is a very great opportunity for me to pursue my dream job, but I really miss the traffic jam in Saigon, I miss the taste of a big bowl of “Pho”, and I miss the good smell of my mom’s food whenever I came home from school. This feeling is not easy at all and I really wish I can be with my family right now.

Vietnam from above

Vietnam from above


Do you ever feel overburdened with work? Do you ever have so much to do that you start questioning whether you’re ever going to make it? Unfortunately, many students and workers seem to experience this all too often. Some get stressed out and start putting off stuff they have to do, stuff that stacks up and creates additional stress. Others simply stop doing anything productive and go on complaining about their situation. I know for sure that it’s possible to get out of this mindset, albeit with a little effort. I still fall victim of procrastination once in a while, but when it happens I quickly give my head a shake and plan my days ahead of time. Dividing big tasks into smaller ones and using a calendar to schedule events is surely helpful ― an organized workflow prevents me from wasting time on figuring out what I should do next.

How do you stay on track when you’re running out of time?


One of my favorite things about Japan is the people’s dedication to their work. I think this shows when we visit shops and stores. If it’s a music store, there are hundreds of instruments and all things music-related displayed. And if it’s a toy store, then there would be hundreds even thousands of toys. In many places in Tokyo, they even have many of the toys available for customers to try. This snapping crocodile toy is my personal favorite. It is a classic that has been featured in many shows. It’s simple but also very fun. So we gather a group of people, or at least two, and take turns pressing the teeth. One of the teeth is going to make the crocodile snap its mouth shut, and that person loses. I want to try more toys in the future : )


Sudden rain

I’ve never been the kind of person to regularly check weather forecasts for the upcoming days. As a matter of fact, I hardly ever check them at all. After hopelessly trying to get such habits to stick, I decided to stick a folding umbrella in my backpack instead, just to make sure I’d be ready at all times. It's curious how minuscule H2O particles falling from the sky can heavily influence people's mood and actions, isn’t it? Personally, rain makes it a challenge for me to ride my beloved bike, and also makes me worry about my laundry not drying up fast enough. On the other hand, I love the sound of rain at night when I'm tucked up in bed or when I spend time in my favorite cafeteria, as it helps me focus and relax. Depending on the circumstances, I’d say that rain can potentially either make or break my day.

How does rain make you feel?

A day to remember

It was the last Saturday of February 2019. I went back to my high school, joined with my friends in a club activity. It’s been such a long time that I finally met my dear friends and have so much fun like that. We shared our life stories, we laughed together, we made memories, we took pictures and we had a lot of fun together. It was a very memorable day. It reminded me of how happy I was when I was still in high school with them. Thanks to my high school, I had a chance to meet such amazing people who brought me only good vibes. I miss them so much and I can’t wait until the day I can meet them again.


I Love Takoyaki!

There is a nice Takoyaki stall near my home. They sell takoyaki, okonomiyaki, and yakisoba. I like that the price is not very expensive, compared to other stores. Not to mention the size is also bigger than the ones served in other places. My favorite is takoyaki with original sauce and melted cheese topping. I can have a box of twelve takoyaki for only 600 yen. I usually go here during lunch time and go back to eat them at home. It’s even better to eat them during rainy days, when the air is cold and the takoyaki is so warm. I have grown to become very fond of takoyaki thanks to this nice stall. I think takoyak is a must-try Japanese food.                                                                                                                                                                                                            
