How I Prepare for Winter Season

To be honest with you, I am that one guy who doesn’t really like winter season, especially when the wind is blowing strong. One of the reasons will be my dry skin. I used to have a really dry skin since I was a kid, even until now. Body skin, however, is not my worst problem. That will be my lips. As the weather gets really cold and windy, my lips get dry easily and will eventually crack. If it gets worse, it will crack and might bleed out. And let me tell you, that hurts a lot. You won’t look good either, right? That’s why, I consider this picture on the right as my best friend during winter, so-called lip balm (リップクリーム). This lip balm is oily and good to fight your soothed sores or cracked lips. It also has menthol/mint flavour which I like and give that nice cool sensation to my lips.


🏯 Matsue castle 🏯

I have been to Matsue lately, and I was very excited to see the beautiful castle as it is one of the rare castle that had not been reconstructed (like most of the Japanese castles).
There are only twelve castles in Japan that have remained unchanged, and. Matsue-Jô is one of them.

Also, the Matsue castle has been designated a national treasure, which makes it a top touristic attraction.



Shibuya is one of the most crowded places in the world, did you know? A large number of people cross the street every day, which is why it has become one of the most famous places in Tokyo. In shibuya there are many places to eat and many others where you can go shopping, surely if you are there you will never be bored. Many Japanese do not like shibuya because it is very crowded, I personally do not even find it very practical because it is often difficult to move around since there are many people, but I find it a very interesting and practical place to go shopping.


Shinjuku Gyoen 新宿御苑

Have you ever been to Shinjuku Gyoen? I think it's one of the most beautiful parks I've ever seen in my life. One difference that I found compared to Europe is that here you have to pay an entrance fee, while in Europe almost all parks are free. However, since it is very nice it worths to pay the entrance fee. The zone I liked the most about Shinjuku Gyoen was the Japanese-style garden, there are no gardens like that in Europe, I really enjoyed it. In addition, it is a really nice place to spend some summer or spring afternoons, sitting on the lawn and relaxing or talking with your friends. I can't wait for summer or spring to return!


About Tea お茶について

One thing I love about Japan is tea. Here the tea is very good and is different than the Italian one, and above all much cheaper. In addition, in Japan people drink tea at any time of the day. at the beginning it seemed very strange because in Italy you don't drink tea during main meals for example, but over time I got used to it and now I really like drinking tea when I eat. My favorite is the green one, but I could drink any type. In addition, I take it strictly without sugar and prefer it with a slice of lemon.


Snow Monkey Park

Since, this is already my second year in Japan, I already had the chance to visit quite a few places in Japan . I was counting it the other day and I came to realisation that I visited almost all of the prefectures already. Hovewer, this Tuesday, I could finally go to a place, which was for a long time on my bucket list yet, I never had the chance to visit. This dream palce was for me the the Snow Monkey Park in Nagano.

I was actually, quite surpised to see that most of the tourusits who visted the park were foreigners.

I think, that in Europea countries and in the US, this Snow Monkey Park has a very great reputation. It is the only national park in the world where you can see monkeys taking a bath in hot springs. In addition, it also offers a unique experince because it is possible to observe monkeys in their natural habitat while they are in a reachable distance. Although, it's not allowed to touch or the feed them they come so close to you as they were ordinary cats or dogs.

The only thing you need to pay attention is the cold weather and the slippery path the leads to the Monkey Park. in order to preserve the natural isolation of the park it’s not possible entirely approach the park by car or public transportation. From the closest parking lot it takes around 30 minites to arrive to the small national park.


Tea Time.


I took this picture when I was in Starbucks Reserve Roastery, Japan. As soon as I saw this aesthetic display, I took out my phone immediately. Tea, especially in Japan, is the most commonly drunk beverage and an important part of Japanese food culture. They have a lot of flavours like strawberry, green tea, butterscotch, and many others that I can’t mention one by one; you name it. It’s simplicity and authenticity explain why I love this type of beverage so much. The fragrance that it releases, the flavour, everything. It is so famous and well-known in Japan that they even have their own Tea Ceremony (茶道), where it involves the ceremonial preparation and presentation of matcha (green tea).

Having fun at Teamlab Planets


Whenever someone I know ask me to recommend a place that he or she must go to in Tokyo, I always suggest Teamlab Planets. Light exhibition is not a new thing anymore, but what’s cool about this place is that you can actually interact with the arts here. I had a journey full of pleasant surprises at Teamlab! If you decide to come here, set aside some time to explore the area, Odaiba, as well. It has a distinct futuristic vibe which is very different from other parts of Tokyo that you might have seen before.



Being a huge travel lover, I have managed to go on 2 big trips ever since coming to Japan. One was to Kansai, the other was to Kyushu. Somehow, during those trips I always ended up spending a few nights in a ryokan. Ryokan is a type of traditional inns which is unique to Japan and in my opinion, a must-try while you are here. More than just a place to sleep, ryokan offers the opportunity to truly experience Japanese culture and hospitality. You can feel the cozy ambiance of Japanese lifestyle as soon as you set foot into your room. Interior design is kept to a minimum but still made sure to retain comfort and utility. Many of Japan’s signature items could be found here: tatami mattress, paper lantern or futon. It’s the perfect place to wind down after a long, exhausting day of travelling. The staffs at all the ryokans I went to were extremely friendly and attentive as well. They made the place a second home from home for me.

Starbucks Reserve Roastery

Who doesn’t know Starbucks, right? You can spot this well-known coffee shop in almost every places, even 3-4 Starbucks in one building. It is so famous, and is one of the precursors of any coffee shops that currently exist. What I love about Starbucks is that they have their own roastery that we can visit and enjoy, so-called Starbucks Reserve Roastery. They do have one in Japan, and in my opinion the most beautiful Starbucks Reserve Roastery anywhere. Designed by the famous Kengo Kuma himself, no wonder this majestic building attracts a lot of tourist not only because of the food, but also the architectural design as well. It lies in Meguro City, Tokyo, approximately 12-minute walking from Naka-Meguro Station. You can see the authentic coffee maker, how they roast their beans, their bakery, and many other things you can’t see in a regular Starbucks Coffee shop. All of the foods and drinks taste so good! Last month was the first time I visited this place, but definitely not the last!


Chinese New Year in Japan

Chinese New Year is different from the kind of new year we usually celebrate in the beginning of each year. However, it is still well-known to most people in a lot of countries. Japan itself? Yes, they do commemorate Chinese New Year, yet it’s not a big celebration that you can see on the streets. Chinese New Year is celebrated at different date every year, since their calendar system differs from our normal one, and in 2020 it will be celebrated in the next 2 weeks, precisely on 25th of January. Interestingly, they will have different animal that will represent each year, starting from mouse, house, dragon, snake, monkey, and many others. To be exact, there are a total of 12 animals as in the picture below. Next year is going to be the year of mouse, and this thing will repeat every 12 years.


My Sushi experience

Last year when i was here traveling to tokyo i had a wonderful experience together with my mom, we prepared delicious sushi together with a sushi master, it was incredible! I remember at the beginning it was difficult to understand what he said, because I didn't speak Japanese at the time and my mom didn't understand English, so I had to translate whatever the teacher said, it was very strange haha! however it was a beautiful experience that I recommend to anyone and at the end we had the possibility to eat the sushi that we prepared!!



One of my favorite places here in tokyo is odaiba. The beach, the shopping mall, the rainbow bridge make everything so magical and it almost seems to be in the United States. I have often been there with my friends, to have a drink or to eat or to take a walk in the beach, it is very relaxing. it is also nice, for example, to take some pictures and maybe make other people believe you are in New York City (my friends believed it haha) if you have never been there I recommend it for sure!




One thing that really struck me when I arrived in Japan is the kindness of the Japanese people. here people are very cordial and friendly, respectful both in the workplace and in the street, it is truly exceptional. In Europe people are often rude and not very friendly, while in Japan almost anyone answers you with a smile and politely. I will certainly miss this Japanese way of life when I return home, but it made me understand how important it is to be kind to others and I am sure that from now on I will try to smile more often also in Europe!


One of my favorite cities in Japan is Nara. I was there last summer with my mom for a day, and it was a beautiful experience. I loved the "Shika" a lot, they are very sweet animals and they follow you everywhere! it's cute! In addition, in Nara I loved the temples and all the history behind it. Every corner of this city contains a lot of history and years of tradition, it is truly fascinating. I hope to return soon and to be able to give another greeting to my beloved deer.


Solo travelling


At the beginning of this winter break, I decided to book a flight ticket to Oita. From there, I spent 6 days travelling by myself in the Northern Kyushu area. In the past, one of my biggest fear is having to do things alone, since it might give other people the impression that I am lonely. However, I have grown to appreciate my ‘alone time’. Solo travelling got so much less daunting once I realized the importance of:

1. Not checking social medias

2. Bringing a book and a journal to spare myself the boredom of having nothing to do

3. Setting time aside to meet people. During this trip and many others I managed to reconnect with old friends to whom I haven’t talked for years and meet with new ones

If you plan to travel by yourself in the future, try follow these tips! They will make your trip so much better and easier.