My Hiroshima's trip

Almost two years ago I went to Hiroshima with my mum. We went to Japan for 3 weeks and we decided to visit as many cities as possible. So, the last week of our trip we decided to go to Hiroshima.

We stayed there only one day but I think we’ve seen all of the most important things.

Hiroshima is a very good city even if his history is very sad. I found the Genbaku Dome very interesting and sad at the same time. And also the museum of Peace was very interesting.

I really enjoy this trip


Winter is Coming!

Autumn has passed, and winter is coming! Prepare yourself because it’s going to be a really cold weather in Japan. Also, I am very excited since there’s a chance that it’s going to snow in Tokyo! Snow is a really rare phenomenon that you‘re able to spot in Tokyo. In fact, it does not happen every year. People in Japan always prepare their staple “winter-pack” before winter, including hot pocket (kairo), scarf, thick clothes, even face mask. You don’t want to breathe cold air don’t you? Make sure you are always in a healthy condition, because during these times people often get fragile and get sick easily, especially catching a cold. Let’s have some fun during winter times!

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Hakone Open Air Museum

When I came to Hakone, the main goal was to see the Mount Fuji 🗻

But the thing is you never decide when you want to see Fuji-san, it’s Fuji-san who decides if he wants to show himself to the world or not, and that day, Fuji-san was definitely hiding !

I was disappointed but I still wanted to enjoy Hakone, so the first thing I did was to check the highlights of the region on google, that’s when I realized my hostel was at 5 minutes walking from the Hakone Open Air Museum !

I have never been to an open air museum before. The experience was amazing ! There is also an interesting painting exhiibition from Picasso himself inside the museum ! This is a visit I recommend when Fuji-san is being shy 😊


My life in 東京

It’s been three months that I’m here in Tokyo and I think that Japan is such a beautiful country and I’m really happy to be there.

Of course, Japan is very different from Europe.
First of all, in Italy, people are more friendly and empathic, and sometimes is easier to make friendships or dating someone. Anyway, one thing that I really like here in Japan is the safety, I’ve never felt so safe in my life. In Japan the crime rate is really low, and if you lose something, you are almost sure that you are going find it. That’s not the same thing in Europe, where the big cities are really dangerous and it is almost impossible to find something when you lose it.

By the way, one thing that I miss from my country is the architecture. That endless beauty that you can see in Venice, Palermo, Rome, Paris, will always stays in my heart.

I’m glad to be here and I wish i could stay there as much as possible.

Venice, Italy

Venice, Italy

My trip to Miyazaki 🎎👘

Before coming to Tokyo to spend my gap year here, I used to go to a traditional Japanese high school in Miyazaki. Therefore, before starting my language school this September I went back there to visit some family friends.

I don’t think that Miyazaki is a popular tourist destination. Yet, because of the fact that I lived there, it is really close to my heart. I live in Hungary in Europe so, I don't have the chance often to see the sea or the ocean but by living in Miyazaki I had the opportunity to take a walk along the beach on any day I wanted. Also, with the palm trees, warm weather and the yearly surfing competitions I truly felt like as if I was living on a tropical island haha. In addidion, another thing I love about this prefecture is the distinctive combination of the seaside and the mountins. I've visited qiuite a few places during the years but this is a mixture that one can rarely see.


Starbucks' Reserve Roastery in Tokyo

“Starbucks' Reserve Roastery Tokyo is a coffee wonderland“ for coffee lovers. I come from Europe and I believe, that coffee making and drinking is is an integral part of the European culture. Therefore, after I heard that the largest reserve roastery opened in Tokyo, I didn’t think about twice going there.

It's only the 5th roastary following another openings in Seattle, Shanghai, New york and Milan. I've already visited two reserves, in Shanghai and in Milan but I can confidently say, that I was most amazed by the one in Tokyo because besides enjoying the unique decorations one can also enjoy the faboulous view offered by the location of the bank of Meguro River.

Moreover, the Reserve doesn’t limit itself to coffee alone. Inside the building you also have the chance to try out various Starbucks products, including tea, bakery and alcholic and non alcoholic cocktails.

So, if you have the chance i would definetly recommand you to check it out!


Sea of People

Harajuku (原宿) is known as a district that are littered with shops, cheap and expensive, normal goods and branded goods. There is one place, called Takeshita Street (竹下通り), which is always crowded with people especially during weekdays. It is one of the busiest and brightest shopping streets in Tokyo, with everything you could ever want. Takeshita Street stretches as long as 400 meter, which many shops you can stop by along the street. The shops varies between fashion boutiques, merchandise shops, cafes, and food stalls that sell crepes and ice creams. Even though it’s not as long as you think, I can see thousands of people every time I go there. For an undeniably Japanese experience, check out the purikura photo booths where you can snap, customize and decorate pictures with your friends before they are printed on the spot. I can guarantee that you won’t regret this kind of experience if you ever visited this place!


Ueno Zoo!


Tokyo has a lot of magnificent zoos to offer, especially this one that I went to with my friends. Ueno Zoo (上野動物園) is probably one of the biggest zoos in Tokyo, with various land and marine animals that you can enjoy together with your fellow friends or family. The price is not that expensive, it only costs 600 yen for adults (16 years and above) or 200 yen for students! The animals you can see ranges from small birds, big birds, reptiles, big land mammals, arctic animals, and aquatic animals. Moreover, there is more beautiful view you can enjoy from this zoo other than just seeing the animals. This zoo is so good that I spent almost the entire day without getting bored, because there is too much to explore!

Stop By One Lovely And Cozy Cafe In Kagurazaka


Kiitos Sabo is definitely one of the finest destinations in Kagurazaka. The space is always cozy with good music, good books and good coffee. Thus, if you are a fan of coffee (or tea), please come by the Kiitos once during weekends and give yourself some relaxation. My most favorite drink here is Blendy Coffee! Sometimes the cafe shop will hold very special events such as movie nights or book reading days, so if you are a fan of movies or books, please stop by to enjoy these amazing events at Kiitos!

Trains in Japan

Have you ever wonder how fast-paced Japan is? In fact, Japan is one of the leading countries anywhere in the world, especially with its technology and rapid development. Nowadays, we can see MRTs (Mass Rapid Transit) almost anywhere in Japan’s big cities. In Greater Tokyo Area, there are approximately 40 million passengers using this rail system daily. A really crazy number, isn’t it? Especially during rush hour, train could be really full to the extent that you are not able to move anymore inside. If it gets really full, sometimes there will be several train station staffs that will push the people in so everyone will fit inside. Nonetheless, people will keep on lining up tidily no matter how crowded the train stations is. This use of public transportation is a really good thing and should be applied to other countries as well. Besides, not only can you save money, but also it lessen the amount of pollution produced by private transportation such as cars and motorbikes.


Having my first Ikebana class <3

One of the main reasons why I came to Japan is to experience the traditional culture of this country. Living in a metropolitan city like Tokyo can make it hard to immerse onself in the classical, time-honoured heritage of Japan. Yet, i believe thart if you look hard, you can find plenty of opportunities, which offer you to teach about the historical and cultural past.

So, after doing some research on the Internet, I found an Ikebana class in Shinjuku which offers weekly sessions in English. Although, I didnt really know what to expect from this class, it turned out to be a pleasant surprise. I came to really like the meaninng behind Japanese flower arrangement. The idea of trying to find the right balnce balance but also also expressing one’s emotions in the same time makes it a unique form of art!


Glico Man!

I am really sure you have seen this picture, either from internet or someone else’s post. That’s right, this is probably one of the most famous photo spot in Japan, which locates at Dotonbori (道頓堀), Osaka. It is definitely not traveling to Osaka without taking picture with this iconic Glico Man Sign. Why this sign is so famous after all? This bright sign has been glowing for more than 80 years, being a really important symbol for Osaka’s premier shopping and entertainment district. Besides, Glico is also one of Asia’s most famous confectionery companies. Every minute, this Glico Man Sign changes color, ranges from blue, yellow, and even pink! Tourists will take pictures with this sign by standing on the bridge that lies above a small canal, so it make sense if that bridge is always crowded by people. In addition, you can also enjoy Dotonbori by having a cruise trip across the canal, and it will be so much better during night time. There is no doubt that this place is a staple photo spot for you to enjoy in Japan.


Winter Doesn't Stop Us from Ice Cream


Yesterday, I went to Baskin Robbins after a long time. They were doing a collaboration with Frozen 2, a Disney movie that just came out a few days ago. There were various special collaboration and seasonal flavors and we had a hard time choosing which one to try. I ended up buying the “Magical Mint Night” one, which has the flavor of dark chocolate and mint, sprinkled with colorful popping candy. The taste was indeed, very magical. Not only the flavor that is satisfying, the appearance itself is unique, resembling a galaxy. The photo might not really do justice but it is worth trying.

Call me Mandu!

I go jogging in a nearby park everyday to keep fit and maintain my good health. I read a lot of books and my favorite genres are thrilling and philosophical books. My favorite authors are Agatha Christie and Haruki Murakami. In the future I want to become a writer, so right now I am trying my best to gain more experience in writing to achieve my dream as soon as possible.

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The kawaii culture of Harajuku 🦄

There were so many reasons why I decided to study abroad in this country. First of all, I love the history, the food and the people but as a foreigner coming from Europe I also wanted to experience some of Japan’s anime culture. Therefore, on this weekend I decided to visit one of TripAdvisor’s top rated anime restaurant in Harajuku. The name of the place where I went to is Kawaii Monster Cafe. Before going there, I wasn’t exactly sure what I could expect from a restaurant called like that but after entering to this weird but somewhat magical place with its whimsical design, I had to realise that the name of it is as explicit as it can be. The theme of the restaurant revolves around cute monsters. Additionally, you can also enjoy hilarious and silly shows with expertly crafted, delicious food.

So, if you happen to go to Harajuku at some point I would definitely recommend it for you. I honestly believe that this place is for everyone. You can see there tables with teenage girls, young families with kids but also grown up men so if you are looking for a wow factor it is a must place to go!


New Earphones

It’s been a while since I wanted to have my own truly wireless earphones, and now I already got it! For me, earphones are really useful in Japan since I travel a lot by train or public transportation. With music injected to my ears, I can relax for a while and ignore the outside world for a moment. The earphone I bought is Sony, since it has a lot of utilities that may come handy when listening to music. The noice cancelling mode ables me to focus on what I want to learn without bothering any surrounding voices. I also don’t have to worry about untangling the wires anymore, because it is truly wireless! I will definitely bring this with me anywhere I go.
